Acme et al is based in Steels Creek, in the Yarra Valley. It offers boutique printing and scanning co-owned and operated by James Calder. James has worked as a photographer and specialist photographic printer
for more than 30 years. 

James co-founded ACME Black + White in 1995 after many years as principal photographer at the Aeronautical Research Laboratories. He has been involved in digital photography from the early '90's and has experienced the incredible advances in this form. This has given James a comprehensive understanding of colour control, premium output media, and producing optimum results. His critical eye for colour and detail has won him the respect of many within the industry. 

ACME opened its doors in 1995, offering black and white darkroom services. It was a photographic lab dedicated to commercial black and white printing, at the height of analogue photography, while digital photography was in its infancy. Snug in the middle of South Yarra and right on Punt Road, ACME was also a mid-week home to James from which he serviced many students, professional and art photographer along with museums and other commercial labs across Victoria, some of who still work with ACME.

With the introduction of digital photography in the late '90's, ACME branched out offering complimentary services for the same clients, from scanning to digital printing, design and artwork reproduction, on what was current day top technology. 250mb files were treated like royalty. Looking back, it is always surprising to see how quickly top technology has changed compared to the analogue systems.

In 2009 ACME made its move to Yarra Glen. After major setbacks from the Black Saturday Fires, it took three years to come full circle and find itself where it was prior to its losses and in amidst re-establishing the digital and graphic services.  

We have moved to our farm studio to create a place where our services can be even more customised to our clients and offering a one-on-one service.




Pinnacle La, Steels Creek. Vic